Practicing Film Photography with an Engagement Couple

by dav.d

Every once in a while a photographer has to change things up and try something new or different… or in this case try something olde fashioned. The following photo shoot was shot with an old Bronica film camera. I had the film developed locally and then I scanned the film myself. I shot these film photos during the actual engagement shoot. I spent most of the time shooting digital and you can see the digital photos here.

Black and white film photography

Black and white film photography

There is a different look to film and the next time I try something like this I will send the film out to be scanned and color corrected by a film lab. I have used film labs in the past for some portrait sessions (see Chet’s film photos here) (or see Julio’s film photos here) but never for an engagement session. I might have to try the film again… I have a mini-freezer full of film that is waiting to be used.

Black and white film photography

Black and white film photography

It is autumn time and the leaves are changing in the valley. If you want a photo shoot, film or digital feel free to contact me,.

Engagement photography with an old film camera

Engagement photography with an old film camera

Engagement photography at an apple orchard

Engagement photography at an apple orchard

Film photography for engagements

Film photography for engagements

Black and white engagement photography

Black and white engagement photography

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dav.d photo
dav.d is a portrait photographer based in Utah.